Dinner at Susan and Eddie's with Shrimp City Slim and his better half,
The Stringkillers, The Rockets, Jimmy Fenno,
Chuck and the Ventilators in Charleston SC
South Carolina
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Dinner at Silent Eddies and Susan
Check out the horse riding and the guitars
22 August 2000
What are friends for ?
Having fun and hanging out !
Here goes
Right click to translate in another window
![hit here for the blues](l3.gif)
Eddie and his gear!
![hit here for the blues](l3.gif)
Pascal and Eddie -
![hit here for the blues](l3.gif)
And now for something different
Susan's hobby - Here she is on her horse
![hit here for the blues](l3.gif)
Same shot different digital tweak
![hit here for the blues](l3.gif)
We're changing the subject here guys - get it?
![hit here for the blues](l3.gif)
Silent Eddie's paying his dues at Mr Hemingway's resting place
![hit here for the blues](l3.gif)
More digital tweaking
![hit here for the blues](l3.gif)
Max is the dog and I can't remember the cat's name
Chachita, the Stringkiller cat is not amused I have
forgetten Silent Eddie and Susan's cat's name.
![hit here for the blues](l3.gif)
Max again with the cat behind him
![hit here for the blues](l3.gif)
What a nice shot of Susan ;-)
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To buy your CDs also check out Shrimps Web site
and buy his Low Country Blues albums so
he can pay Eddie, Jimmy and Chuck more
so that they can come over to Paris more
and all your dreams will come true
Pour acheter vos DVDs, CDs ou livres de blues
To contact Dr Pickup
Telephone Day 01 47 08 12 12
Evening 01 41 44 12 12
(c) 1997-2000 stringkiller@geocities.com